We're looking forward to revisiting this analysis in the future, not with just 9 languages, but at least 50—thanks to community contributions! Let's level the playing field between English and other languages together! 🤗
For attribution in academic contexts, please cite this work as
Kydlicek, et al., "FineTasks: Finding signal in a haystack of 200+ multilingual tasks", 2024.
BibTeX citation
@misc{kydlicek2024finetasksmultilingualtasks, title={FineTasks: Finding signal in a haystack of 200+ multilingual tasks}, author={Hynek KydlĂÄŤek and Guilherme Penedo and ClĂ©mentine Fourier and Nathan Habib and Thomas Wolf}, url={https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceFW/blogpost-fine-tasks}, }